Our featured volunteer this month is Tom, better known as “Alpha Tom”. Most Tuesday and Friday nights you can find him at the Hall teaching, mentoring and encouraging our residents. Nearly 7 years ago Tom helped launch the Friday Night Alpha Program (i.e. The Basics of the Christian Faith) at Healing House. Since that time Friday Night Alpha has become a weekly tradition. Tuesday night recovery meetings are also a staple of our recovery program that Tom helped start in 2011 as well, and he attends these meetings faithfully. His credibility stems from his own personal battle with alcohol addiction. His passion for healing is infectious and he hugs nearly everyone he meets. Tom will celebrate 8 years of sobriety in January 2018.
Tom’s involvement with Healing House began rather unexpectedly. In October 2010, a friend invited him to help set up musical equipment for a Friday night concert at the Hall. While enjoying the music Tom was approached by Ed, a longtime Healing House supporter. Ed, along with a strong nudge from the Holy Spirit, convinced Tom that he should start a Friday Night Alpha Program at the Hall. In less than three months Tom partnered with Pastor Jeff Kirby and organized a group of 16 volunteer Alpha leaders. On Friday, January 7, 2011 they held the first Alpha class at Healing House with 50 residents in attendance. Since that time attendance has more than tripled to nearly 180 current and former residents every week. Over the years many of our residents have come to know and love Jesus as a result of the Alpha Program.
Tom’s incredible experience at Healing House resulted in a recent career change. After many years as a General Manager for Rodrock Development, he has decided to pursue a second career in full time ministry at Church of the Resurrection as Pastor of Recovery Ministry. He also proudly serves on the Healing House Board of Directors. We wish Tom well as he transitions into this second phase of life. And we especially thank his wife Marcy and their two daughters Kathryn and Erin for sharing “Alpha Tom” with our family at Healing House.