Healing House Baptism 2022
On August 6th 2022, Healing House offered a baptism to participants and staff. As people began to arrive, they were greeted by worship music and a warm hug from Bobbi Jo Reed. Not all planned to be baptized, but with the sun on their faces and friends gathered, God made his presence known.
By the end of the day, with the help of pastors from Church of the Resurrection and Colonial Presbyterian, 80 people were baptized. With each baptism came a prayer, a hug, and a new start. For half of them this was their first baptism, and the first time they were ever given the opportunity to let go of their past.
Healing House has hosted this annual event for almost 10 years, and plans on continuing this wonderful summer tradition for many years to come! We thank all those who participated and those who made this special day possible.
Thank you to Tom Bradley for the images!