Computer Lessons

Computer Lessons


Computer Skills Lessons

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Section 1: Introduction to the Computer

1. About This Tutorial
2. What is a Computer?
3. Basic Parts of a Computer
4. Buttons and Ports on a Computer
5. Inside a Computer
6. Laptop Computers
7. Mobile Devices
8. Understanding Operating Systems
9. Understanding Applications
10. Setting Up a Computer
11. Getting Started with Your PC
12. Getting to Know the OS
13. Connecting to the Internet
14. Getting Started with the Internet
15. Understanding the Cloud
16. Keeping Your Computer Clean
 Protecting Your Computer
18. Creating a Safe Workspace
19. Basic Troubleshooting Techniques
20. Practice Quiz: Basic Computer

Section 2: Using Microsoft Windows 10

1. Get Started with Win 10
2. User Accounts
3. Finding Files
4. Security & Maintenance
5. Managing Multiple Windows
6. Personalizing Your Desktop
7. Customizing the Start Menu
8. Practice Quiz: Windows 10

Section 3: 
Internet 101

1. What is the Internet?
2. How is the Internet Used?
3. Connecting to the Internet
4. Web Browser Basics
5. Search Engines and Strategies
6. Google Search Tips

7 Practice Quiz: World Wide Web

Section 4: 
Email 101

1. Introduction to Email
2. Email Basics
3. Contacts and Calendars
4. Email Etiquette and Safety
5. Common Email Features
6. Practice Quiz: Using Email

Section 5: Introduction to Social Media

1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. LinkedIn
4. Skype
5. Twitter
6. YouTube
7. Practice Quiz: Social Media

Section 6: 
Microsoft Word Basics

1. Getting Started with Word
2. Text Basics
3. Formatting Text
4. Saving Documents
5. Page Layout
6. Spell Check/Grammar
7. Printing Documents
8. Using Indents and Tabs
9.  Working with Lists
10. Adding Line Breaks
11. Working with Columns
12. Hyperlinks
13. Headers and Footers
14. Practice Quiz: Microsoft Word

Section 7: Microsoft Excel Basics

1. Getting Started with Excel
2. Cell Basics
3. Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells
4. Formatting Cells
5. Saving
6. Creating Simple Formulas
7. Worksheet Basics
8. Printing
9. Common Tasks in Excel
10. Complex Formulas
11. Basic Functions
12. Sorting Data
13. Outlining Data
14. Filtering Data
15. Formatting Tables
16. Sharing Workbooks
17. Using Templates
18. Working with Charts
19. Practice Quiz: Microsoft Excel

Section 8: Microsoft PowerPoint

1. Getting Started
2. Slide Basics
3. Text Basics
4. Applying a Theme
5. Inserting Images
6. Applying Transitions
7. Checking Spelling
8. Presenting Slide Show
9. Saving and Printing
10. Modifying Lists
11. Indents and Line Spacing
12. WordArt and Shapes
13. Modifying Themes
14. Formatting Pictures
15. Arranging Objects
16. Animating Text/Objects
17. Inserting Videos
18. Inserting Audio
19. Practice Quiz: MS Powerpoint

Section 9: Finding a Job Online

1. Online Career Resources
2. Financial Literacy
3. Information Literacy: Practice Quiz

Section 10: Google Drive Tutorial

1. About Google Drive
2. Getting Started
3. Creating Google Docs
4. Uploading Files
5. Managing Files
6. Sharing & Collaborating
7. Converting & Printing
8. Google Drive: Practice Quiz

Additional Resources

  1. Mouse Tutorial
  2. Typing Tutorial