Volunteer Information

Volunteer Information

Volunteer Information

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Healing House KC! Volunteers are key to our mission of helping others with lifelong recovery from substance-use disorder, family reunification, and community transformation. Your time, talents, and passion create a lasting impact, fostering connections and supporting the growth of those we serve.

Whatever your skills or interests, there’s a place for you at Healing House!

Volunteer Position Categories

Healing House offers a variety of meaningful ways for you to contribute:

  • High Contact Volunteers: Engage directly with Program Participants, providing care, supervision, or professional services. These volunteers usually serve on an ongoing basis, either one-on-one, side-by-side or as the leader of a group.
  • Administrative Volunteers: Assist staff with administrative tasks or events. This can also include any Professional Service Volunteers who do not work directly with program participants. These volunteers usually help on an as needed basis. 
  • Groups & Non-Direct Contact Volunteers: Help with projects like yard work or construction. 
  • Childcare Volunteers: Support children of Program Participants during meetings or events (training and materials provided). Childcare volunteers typically serve on an ongoing basis.
Volunteer Requirements Summary

We strive to create a safe and enriching experience for everyone involved. Please note the following requirements:

  • The minimum age for volunteers is 12 (18 for certain roles). Minors must have written parental consent or be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  • All volunteers must complete an online Volunteer Interest/Application Form, acknowledge review of the Individual Volunteer Agreement form, which includes agreement with the Code of Conduct.
  • Those volunteering in high contact roles with our Program Participants will be required to complete background checks in order to disclose any prior criminal history or current state or federal disqualification from serving as a volunteer
  • Those volunteering in high contact roles with our Program Participants will be required to complete ethics training. 
  • Additional requirements or forms may apply based on Healing House policies or state regulations.
Available Volunteer Opportunities

Other classes and opportunities may be available based on skills and experience of volunteers.

  • Event Support
  • Event Planning
  • Data Entry/Computer Skills
  • Homeless Outreach
  • Gardening
  • Construction/Maintenance
  • Childcare
  • Meal Preparation/Food Service
  • Resume Building/Applications
  • Childcare
  • Budgeting
  • Administrative Support
  • Fundraising
  • Nutrition/Yoga/Physical Education
  • Sorting clothing donations
  • Cybersecurity Classes
  • GED tutoring
  • Job Interviewing Tutoring
Volunteer Application Process and Forms

Here are the essential steps to becoming a Healing House Volunteer:

  • Application: All interested volunteers must submit an Individual Interest Form.
  • Phone Interview: A phone interview is conducted with the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Background Check: Anyone interested in volunteering in high contact roles with our Program Participants will be required to submit a background check.
  • In-Person Meeting and Tour: Anyone interested in volunteering in high contact roles with our Program Participants will meet with the Volunteer Coordinator and potential department managers in their area of interest.
  • Sign Volunteer Agreement Form: All volunteers are required to read and sign the Individual Volunteer Agreement form to review and accept volunteering expectations, procedure and the Code of Conduct.
  • Ethics Training Videos:  Any new volunteer in a high contact role with our Program Participants will be required to complete a series of 1-6 hours (depending on their role) of ethics training videos.
  • Additional Forms: Additional signed forms that may be required include a Non-Disclosure Agreement form, if the volunteer will have access to confidential personal information of others, or confidential or proprietary information of Healing House; and/or a waiver of liability, depending on their tasks.
  • Review & Decision Process: The Volunteer Coordinator and/or the HR Manager will review volunteer applications. Based on the results of the background checks and any other information brought to our attention regarding the fitness of an individual to serve program participants, Healing House in its discretion may decline a person for service as a volunteer and prohibit the individual from contact with program participants.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Healing House! For more information call 816-214-5926.