Meet Mama Judi

Meet Mama Judi

My name is Judi and I am an alcoholic.  By the Grace of God I celebrated 9 years of sobriety August 7, 2012. I had lost all respect and trust from my family and friends.  I had been in and out of treatment for 14 years, which included 11 treatment centers.

Every time that I have tried to get sober before, God was not a part of my plan.  I had no concept of spirituality.  This time I knew it had to be different.

I left treatment and went to the Healing House where God met me at the door.  I felt God’s presence upon entering The Healing House, and I knew for the first time in my life with true faith in God that I never had to drink again.

God has blessed me with a servant’s heart to help other women and men in recovery.  In helping other women and men, I was able to get out of self and have the true sense of usefulness and purpose.

The most blessed gift God has given me is the gift of sobriety.  And in order to achieve and maintain this sobriety, He used Bobbi Jo as a vessel in my life.  Bobbi Jo is my spiritual advisor and my best friend.  The many gifts that she has bestowed upon me in my sobriety are too numerous to mention.

I am so very blessed to be a part of Healing House and to work side-by-side with Bobbi Jo.  Through her, I am learning more and more about God’s will and the gift of living life on life’s terms.  She has been a vessel to me through God to learn and interpret His word and to practice this through my daily living.

Bobbi Jo has led my sobriety path to help other women still struggling with this ugly disease of alcoholism on a daily basis, ever reminding me of just where I came from.

When I think of what Bobbi Jo has given up for me and so many other women and men, my gratitude is overwhelming.  I have never met another woman with such compassion and the willingness to give in all of my life.

I know that we are doing God’s work at Healing House, and to you Bobbi Jo, I will never be able to express my heartfelt love and gratitude to Him for leading you to me.


Note: After serving faithfully on the staff of Healing House for many years, our beloved Mama Judi went to be with the Lord on March 13, 2020.  She had 17 years of continuous sobriety.